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Analyzing the spatial disposal of the dwellings, the public places and the cult zones from the interior of a dwelling, anthropologists like Malinowski, Paul Radin or C. Lévi-Strauss 1 tried to explain the propinquity, the formation and the exertion of power, or of social hierarchy in the interior of traditional societies.

Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Vol. 2 No 1 (2019)

Lewis H. Morgan, Max Weber ou Edward E. Interesting is the opposition observed, at all the ethnographic analyzed societies, between the inhabited space and the surrounding area, perceived like a hostile, impure environment 4. Referring to this aspect M. When the settlement is no longer temporary, such as the nomads, but permanent, such as the sedentary people, it involves a vital decision, which regards the existence of the whole community.

Setting down in a certain place, organizing it, living in it are actions that involve a vital decision: choosing a Universe that will be assimilated through creation…this way it becomes the sacred work of the gods… After we have comprehended the cosmogonical value of the Centre, we will understand better why any human settlement repeats The Creation of the World, starting from a central point.

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Bohannam, P. Lévi-Strauss, op cit. Eliade, Sacrul şi profanul, Humanitas Publishing House,p. Eliade, op. Even though we can only imagine the entire mythical structure which could have represented the basis of the human settlement that, through the archeologically observed traces, could offer information related to the social and economical structure of communities.

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The study of the spatial distribution of sites, the demographic analysis and the difference in richness or in monumentality of the graves and settlements can offer information regarding the social structure of the prehistoric communities 7.

Brun, op.

Johnson, T. Venlafaxina er pierdere în greutate, The evolution of human societies: from foraging group to agrarian state.

Tilley, Interpreting material culture, în I. Hodder, ed. The Meaning of Things. Material Culture and Symbolic Expression, London,p.

Mă apărătoare a drepturilor omului, luptând pentru liber- aflam, într-o excursie privată, în Sighet. Mergeam pe tatea civică din România. Și tot mergând așa, Otilia Valeria Coman, Rusan după căsătorie, s-a la pas, lejer, dau peste un muzeu. Este vorba despre născut la Timișoara, într-o familie de intelectuali, ta- Memorialul Victimelor Comunismului și al Rezisten- tăl ei fiind preot ortodox, Gheorghe Coman care, ței, o fostă închisoare pe care Ana Blandiana, cu după retrocedarea Ardealului de Nord, în anulmuncă, pasiune, dăruire și implicare a transformat-o se mută la Oradea, iar după instaurarea regimului co- într-un loc în care fiecare pas devine unul al trecutu- munist în România, tatăl scriitoarei devine un ,duș- lui, transformându-ne sufletele. Poate și transformarea închisorii din Sighet în primul memo- de aceea, alegerea scriitoarei de a-și schimba numele, rial al victimelor comunismului din lume, lucru pe devenind din Otilia Coman, fiica preotului cu statut care îl realizează, alături de Romulus Rusan și nu nu- de inamic al țării, Ana Blandiana, nume ce trimite la mai.

Hodder, postprocessual archaeology. Advances in archaeological theory and method. Schiffer ed. However, this is only part of the story. The meaning also changes according to the context in which the interpretation takes place a kichen or an underground stationwho is carrying out the interpretation to various people the safety pin may mean aggression, pity, children or bondage ; and why they are bothering to interpret it in the first place. This last point is an appropriate cue to draw the archaeologist into text.

Types of habitat at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age in Oltenia 9 In the Late Bronze period and fat burner femme naturel in the First Iron Age it seems that we assist at the disappearing of vast settlements, with several levels fat burner femme naturel habitation.

This fact could be explained although the climatic changes happened on the whole continent.

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Based on the palinological, pedological and archeozoological researches, made especially in the areas close to the carpathodanubian zone, has been observed the installation of a period of cold and gradually dryer fat burner femme naturel 9. Vulpe presumed that this climate conditions favoured the growth of the pastoral activities, phenomenon with direct implications on the type of the habitat. We find this situation in the Danube area and around the sloughs or in the islands close to the river, where settlements of Gârla Mare and Bistreţ Işalniţa type are present, but also in the hilly and pre mountain area, where we find few traces of habitation of Govora type.

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In the Zuto Brdo — Gârla Mare area 11on the both sides of the Danube there are almost 40 settlements confirmed, but, most of them, were mentioned earlier, they either did not benefit from systematic diggings, or they have been presented very sketchy without digging plans and details regarding the habitation complexes. In Mehedinti district, at Izvoarele, com.

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Gruia 13two Gârla Mare settelments have been identified figureIfrom which only one entirely dug, about which the author of the dig mentioned that it is a hut But the possibility of the walls to exceed the ground level exists, keeping in mind the presence of numerous adobe fragments with trails of twigs engraved in the mud.

It had a right-angled form and the dimensions of 5. The settlement had a high ledge of 0. In it has been found peaces of adobe, pottery, ash, snail and oysters shells, animal, bird and fish bones. Near by, a similar pit appeared, from which only a surface of 3.

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Vulpe, op. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea epocii bronzului la Dunărea mijlocie şi inferioară,where the author synthesizes the information we have up to now, regarding the Zuto Brdo — Gârla Mare culture, in the same time offering a very utile inventory of the sites.

At 4m from the first hut existed an oval pit with the diameter of 1. At Ostrovu Mare — Colonie, an oval shaped dwelling has been dogged out figure I with the dimensions of 2 x m.

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In the north-eastern corner were found traces of fireplaces, a big quantity of pottery, 12 anthropomorphic statues, one ornithomorphic figurine, a Brotlaibidol type piece, a votive axe, a votive axe, a spindle-whorl and a bronze foil On the south shore of the Bistreţ Lake, on Prundul Măgarilor, in the place called by the inhabitants Rampă, betweenwere dogged several archaeological sites, containing Gârla Mare ceramics, adobe that looks like the remains of a construction destroyed by natural causes In the same area, in the Cârna-Nasta point, on the south shore of the present Bistreţ lake damaged by the reconditioning work made to the lake, only few pits have been found once with the salvation diggings made in 18two of them contained, alongside with a large quantity of pottery, 2 miniature clay axes, a bronze dagger, a grinder, animals bones and coal.

The third pit had an approximate rectangular form, in the upper part were found massy pieces of adobe that had traces of twigs and thick stakes of 0. The authors of the digging, keeping in mind the absence of the stake hols, put to question the possibility that the hollow could be a hut.

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There is a possibility to be related with near by the necropolis through functionality. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea epocii bronzului la Dunărea mijlocie şi inferioară,p.

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At Ghidici, on a surface of approximate X 60m, between the sand fat burner femme naturel and the Danube, were dogged several dwellings, from which six belong to the Gârla Mare settlement, two of Bistreţ Işalniţa type and four from the First Iron Age The Gârla Mare type settlements have an approximate rectangular form and rounded corners.

The dwelling number 1 figure II was destroyed in the northern part, only a 5. The dwelling had a tilt from north to south and a 3 x 1.

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Only one stake hole was found in the southern side and another garbage pit that contained pottery and animal bones near the eastern side. In the interior of it was found a large amount of ceramics, fragments of anthropomorphic and ornithomorphic representations, silex tools, seashells and snail shells.

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The dwelling number 3 figure II with the 9. The dwelling number 4 figure III had the dimension of 6. A round fireplace with the diameter of 0. Popović, Livade a Mala Vrbica.